Writer of Ultra-Sensual Romance


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Airborne Cover Art Is Here!

The cover for Airborne arrived earlier this week, and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out! It’s perfect.
I expect it will be available for purchase soon at www.CarnalPassions.com . You've got to see how poor Candice finally conquers her fear of flying with the oh, so energetic and attentive assistance of our sexy hero, Mark.



Molly Evans said...

Oooh, Belle. the cover looks fabulous and I can't wait to get the story. My flights are pretty uneventful, so this will be a great change.

Gabi Stevens said...

Love the cover. Hope the sales are "airborne".

Sarah Storme said...

The cover is perfect! Good luck with sales! (Since I know how hot the story is, I know it'll sell well.)