I’m excited to announce my contest celebrating the release of my erotic historical romance, Sweet Charity, at Red Sage Publishing, Inc. Since sweet is in the title I decided to go with a prize that is totally sweet, a box of Godiva Chocolates. The actual contest page with the entry blank is at FreshFiction.com --http://freshfiction.com/contest.php?id=2868 , and will run through October. Here is a question you need to answer to enter. ==> In what type of venue was my high school prom held? Don’t worry the answer is in the next paragraph. J In fact the answer is in the photograph.
I grew up in a town in Germany known for romance—Heidelberg. The title of a local old favorite song is kind of a trademark for the location. “Ich hab mein Hertz in Heidelberg verloren,” which means “I lost my heart in Heidelberg.” Being an army brat and one who attended high school in Heidelberg, I was privileged to attend prom in a most wonderful and unbelievable place, the Heidelberg Castle which is pictured here. Talk about your fairy tale experience. So head on over to http://freshfiction.com/contest.php?id=2868 and fill out that entry blank for your chance at a box of Godivas!
ALSO: Leave me a blog post telling me about where you prom was held. Make sure you include your email address with your post, because I’ll pick one lucky commenter on October 31st and send her/him a free copy of Sweet Charity.
Good luck!
Sweet Charity is available now at www.eRedSage.com .
compared to your venue, I'm embarrassed to admit my prom was heal in the gymnasium. there were a thousand kids in my class, so I guess they hadn't much choice. Besides it was the 60's no limos or fancy hotels.
Hi Belle,
Actually, I was living in Mexico City at the time of graduation, so I had the lovely pyramids as a back drop!
Keep up the good work! :)
Ciao For Now,
~¿~ Quetzi
My Prom was held at the student center of the local college. I can t wait to read SWEET CHARITY.
Hey Doris,
I've seen gym's transformed into pretty amazing places. :-) The castle is a municipal building, so all kinds of groups use the place. There were no limos or fancy hotels for use either. Because of the expense of having a car overseas at that time, I think three kids in my senior class had cars. Ha!
Thanks for stopping by.
Hey Quetzi~~~
Pyramids! Wow! That's pretty spectacular.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Hey Audra~~~
A college student center certainly must have given you plenty of room to shake, shake, shake it on the dance floor! :-)
Thanks for coming by.
Ours was held at Epcot at Walt Disney World. Fun, but no castle!!booksake(at)yahoo(dot)com
What's amazing to me, is that Ive actually been to that castle. I spent 4 years living in Germany as a young adult. I also spent nearly 8 years living in Holland and I remember my older sister's senior class prom being held in a local castle. As for me, buy the time I was a senior we were back in the states, and our prom was held in the Officer's Club on the military base.
Hey Book ~~~
Epcot sounds great! I'll bet it was a lot of fun there.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hey Lady~~~
I remember many a wonderful dance at the Officer's Club. Some of those clubs are really decked out. I'll bet it was a really special time.
My prom was held at the Americana Hotel in NYC !
Mine which was over 20 yrs ago was a golf course. It wasn't to bad.lol
modokker At Yahoo dot com
Way back the prom was held in the gym. They decorated it and transformed it into a 50's sock hop type setting which was cute. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
Our prom was held in our school's gymnasium. What I fondly remember is my dress. I loved that dress. It was different than everyone else's. Empire dresses where in style then. My dress had a white top with ruffles and a sheer top on the very top, the white ruffle part went to my waist. The bottom was a beautiful pale yellow taffeta. The boy I went with was very handsome but we didn't hit it off.
Thank you for a chance to win your book. I can't wait to read it.
That sounds like an amazing place to have a prom. Although I didn't go to my prom, something about not having a date, my friends told me all about the night, from the lobster and steak dinner, to the twinkle lights and white roses everywhere. With a junior/senior class of about 28 (that's total people, lol) we didn't have to worry so much about the number of people, as we did making sure we could afford that and a senior trip. Of course, that made our senior trip, a baseball game because they went overboard on prom, but hey everyone had fun!
hauntedangel @ att.net
My prom was held in the high school cafeteria. No creativity there, but it was a small town - we didn't even have a high school gym!
The Americana must have been wonderful! I love NYC. So excited that the RWA conference is there this year. :-)
Thanks for stopping by.
Hey Lisa~~~
I think a golf course would be beautiful. Hope the weather was good! :-) Thanks for your comment.
Hi Traveler~~~
I've seen some amazing transformations with gyms. Like you walked into another world. Thanks for stopping by. :-)
Hey Joekathbia~~~
Sounds like your dress was lovely. I had one a little different, too. The Post Exchange had only 4 different pattern possibilities at that time. :-) I planned ahead and sent away to the states for mine--a Butterick. The exchange didn't carry that line. So no copies. Yay!
Thanks for the comment.
Hey Christiana~~~
Sounds like a beautiful set up. We didn't have any flower decorations that I recall.
Lobster and steak? Wow!
Hope you had fun at the baseball game. :-)
Thanks for the comment.
Hey Chelea_girl~~~
I've seen cafeterias and gyms transformed into AMAZING places. Hope you had a great time at your prom!
Thanks for stopping by!
Our prom was held in the gym of our
high school. I have been to Heidelberg and it is lovely...
Lucky you!
Thanks, Cindi
Hey Cindi~~~
Heidelberg is pretty spectacular. There is an all year's reunion this summer, but the choice is between it and RWA national. And there really is no choice. National is it!
Thanks for stopping by.
My prom was in the High School Gym like most small town girls is. That was 1960 and they still have proms today in the gym but in a newer building. I went in my boyfriends jeep, opentop, Eight Eight in my class. My dress cost $25 and was light yellow with double ruffles from the strapless top to the bottom of the full hooped skirt. My daughter gradurated 35 years later and wore it to her Junior prom with out a hoop and then it retired to my granddaughters dressup wardrobe and all the neighborhood girls wore it at one time or the other.Memories, Memories... ybutler@oppcatv.com
Hi Grannyvon~~~
How great that your daughter wore your dress to her prom. Lots of good memories attached to that dress.
Thanks for stopping by,
I didn't go to my prom. There was a bunch of us who were going to go, together. Then we started backing out. My prom was in the Bronx, NY far far away from where yours was. It was going to be in the gym from what I remember.
Jo Anne
Hey Jo Anne~~~
New York is way closer to Heidelberg that I am now. :-)
Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend.
Well, I lived in a small East Texas town during high school(graduated in 1977)..I went to Catholic school(T.K.Gorman). So, of course, our prom was held at the Knights of Columbus hall...All our formals were there.
My high school had 246 students 7-12 grade...Small but great. My graduation class had 30. We were like a big family.
kcnrhtx (at)charter (dot) net
What an amazing place to have your prom! Where I went to high school the proms were always held in the gym. The junior class paid for the prom and decorated for the senior class. My junior year I was on the decorating committee, but I can't remember the theme. I made my own dress that year and finished it a couple hours before the prom. My senior year I was married, so I went with my husband. LOL Still married almost 26 years later. ;)
wow , how small the world is ... i am also from Germany ( nuernberg area ) and my uncle live in Heidelberg - our prom was by far not that amazing as your - only in our highschool ( schwabach ) :)
My prom was held in the high school gym.
treerose AT yahoo DOT com
my prom was in our school gym;
Congrats on the release of Sweet Charity!!!
My prom was in the gym at my high school, not very big classes back then, just a couple hundred the senior year. No theme and a local bad that wasn't very good. But we were kids and had fun not knowing any better.
My prom was in the high school gym.
I went to high school in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island in the Bahamas and had a very small graduating class (56). Needless to say, our prom was small as well. We had it at one of the hotels and afterwards went bowling!
I was home schooled and didn't have a prom.
My prom was held on a big boat..that cruised the ocean coastline for the night. Yes our prom lasted all night.. it was great having a dance floor under the stars with the ocean all around us. Now i would have loved to been in the castle, that to would have be great.
Congrats on your release,,
heidijohnjeff AT verizon DOT net
My prom was held in the ballroom on the grounds where our local Cattle Congress is held. But it didn't smell like cows. Whew!
Our was held in the school gym. However, we have visited Heidelberg Castle and I would have loved to attended a formal dance there!
My prom was at the Bentley hotel. I remember thinking how grand it was. I didn't have a date but a friend and rode together and went stag. We had fun. Having it at a castle does sound like a fairytale, a magical night.
oops. forgot my email. wsnsmth @ hotmail . com
The SF Fairmont :) But nothing compared to a castle! How gorgeous!
f dot chen at comcast dot net
Ours was in our high school gym ~ and it looked great! :) I also went with a friend from church to his prom, which was held in the ballroom of a hotel, if I remember correctly. Both were lots of fun. :)
Mine was in our good ol' high school gym. We had a good time, though.
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