I’m excited to announce my contest celebrating the release of my erotic historical romance, Sweet Charity, at Red Sage Publishing, Inc. Since sweet is in the title I decided to go with a prize that is totally sweet, a box of Godiva Chocolates. The actual contest page with the entry blank is at FreshFiction.com --http://freshfiction.com/contest.php?id=2868 , and will run through October. Here is a question you need to answer to enter. ==> In what type of venue was my high school prom held? Don’t worry the answer is in the next paragraph. J In fact the answer is in the photograph.
I grew up in a town in Germany known for romance—Heidelberg. The title of a local old favorite song is kind of a trademark for the location. “Ich hab mein Hertz in Heidelberg verloren,” which means “I lost my heart in Heidelberg.” Being an army brat and one who attended high school in Heidelberg, I was privileged to attend prom in a most wonderful and unbelievable place, the Heidelberg Castle which is pictured here. Talk about your fairy tale experience. So head on over to http://freshfiction.com/contest.php?id=2868 and fill out that entry blank for your chance at a box of Godivas!
ALSO: Leave me a blog post telling me about where you prom was held. Make sure you include your email address with your post, because I’ll pick one lucky commenter on October 31st and send her/him a free copy of Sweet Charity.
Good luck!
Sweet Charity is available now at www.eRedSage.com .