Well, Hello!!!
Quite a bit has happened since I last posted. I survived the revision process which was difficult, but total GOLD in the learning curve department. Also the cover for Sweet Charity has been finalized and here it is! I love it! I couldn’t have hoped for more. I told my editor, the image of Charity is more like Charity than the image I had pictured in my head. I love the fact that Dillon’s face is in shadow. Mystery is WAY more sexy.
No word on release date yet, but I’ll have it out as soon as I get it.
Stay cool,
Belle @}-{-----
Great cover! Can't wait to read the book!
Great cover. Can't wait to read it. (Yes, I will read it.)
Thank you gals!
Nice cover! Mystery is definitely hawt!
I'm so late to this party, but couldn't help comment. I love your cover "B"! It's fabulous!
And...I hope you know you're on the Coming Soon page at RS, right?
http://www.eredsage.com/store/comingsoon.html SQUEEEEE!
Thanks for checking out my blog, and the kind words about the cover, Renee and Gabriella.
I really do appreciate it.
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