First, I want to thank everyone who entered my contest! I really appreciate you all taking the time out to charge around the net to do so. It was fun to hear all the different venues, and experiences you all had with your proms.
Here is a list of the different venues:
~~~The American Hotel, NYC
~~~The Fairmont, San Francisco
~~~Mexico City, with the pyramids a backdrop
~~~local colleges
~~~Epcot Center
~~~County Clubs
~~~Knights of Columbus Hall
~~~Officers Clubs
~~~Bahamas, Hotel
~~~High School Gymnasiums – which I have seen turned into magical places. My daughter’s high school actually managed to hide/disguise the bleachers. That was amazing.
And the winners are:
Alane of OKC/OK won the box of Godivas
Melissa of Washington won the free copy of Sweet Charity
Congratulations, ladies! I so hope you enjoy your prizes. J
I’m hard at work on my next erotic historical, set in Tombstone, AZ. Lucas and Cara are dying to get at each other, but I need to work out a way that is reasonable while still titillating. I’m almost there. I think the setting is totally fun. Hope to get that out to you all ASAP.
Till next time,