Hello Fellow Readers and Writers,
Once again I’m gearing up for the Romance Writers of America conference, this year held in Orlando Florida. Never been to Orlando before. The last time I went to Florida was a wayward and crazy trip to Key West for spring break, years ago.
Every year when I go to the RWA conference, I learn many things, but usually come away with some sort of specific epiphany. So looking forward to the special writing gem I’ll glean from the experience this time.
The summer is progressing nicely. Though my writing time has been a bit stunted by our new family addition--a curious and immensely enthusiastic black lab puppy. Practices in patience have been VERY important with the whole canine situation for sure. {Breath in, Breath out--Relax}
I am now officially a listed author at Red Sage Publishing, [ www.eredsage.com ]. Got my own link and everything. J I’m looking forward to a release date, and trying to come up with some clever promo item to sell the story with. With the word sweet (Sweet Charity) in the title, chocolate comes to mind, but I’m not sure. If anyone has ideas they would like to share for promo items appropriate for a western historical erotic romance entitled Sweet Charity, PLEASE leave me your ideas in a comment on this entry. I’d really appreciate it.
Belle @}--{---------