My erotic romance novel, Sweet Charity won the erotica category of the Land of Enchantment Romance Authors, 2009 Rebecca Contest. Theresa Stevens of Red Sage Publishing, judged the erotica category. After judging, Theresa requested the full manuscript. Unfortunately, I had written only about ten pages further than was necessary to enter the contest. So I jumped on it, and finished the first draft in about a month. A record for me. I went through it several more times, then sent it off. Well, on Wednesday (11/25) I received an offer for Sweet Charity, from Judith Harkins, Senior Editor for Red Sage. YEA!!! Of course I said yes immediately, and the ball is rolling!
Things are moving in the perfect direction. I’m a happy gal!
Write On!
Things are moving in the perfect direction. I’m a happy gal!
Write On!