I just sent Sweet Charity, my latest erotic novel off to Red Sage! YEA!
I love that feeling. And, as I said on my Facebook page, I’m accepting good vibes from anyone, anywhere.
Once I finish a piece of writing, I’m extremely driven to send it off, get it out on its way--somewhere. Unfortunately, all that pesky rewriting and finishing work makes that fun part, (my piece winging its way somewhere) take a lot longer. I have to wait. I hate waiting, don’t you?
Composition is my favorite part of the writing process. I just love letting the story unfold in that wonderful, exciting rush of ideas and emotions. All three of my critique partners are extremely fond of rewriting, and polishing. I am working on improving my relationship with those things. I figure by the time I’ve made peace with the finishing work, my writing will be stellar. Ha! Hey, one can hope, right?
Have a fun Halloween! I know I will. ;-)